
Rene Melgar
Las Crucitas, La Paz
Anaerobic Honey
Cup Profile:
Juicy, Blackcurrant, Buttercream
Planning Guide
Reach Out
Reach out to your LCM Account Manager to secure your allocation for the year ahead. By getting in touch ahead of time, we can help choose the right coffee to meet your needs.
Offer Samples
Offer Samples will become available.
Shipment Begins
Our coffee allocation will begin to ship.
Stock Arrival
We anticipate stock will be ready for distribution. Click on Keep Me Updated below to stay up to date with shipment arrivals.
About the Producer
Rene’s grandfather was one of the largest coffee producers in the region. He taught Rene’s father to work with coffee, who always wanted to have his own farm.
In 1992, Rene’s father was able to plant his first one-hectare farm and over the years, he continued buying more land and planting more coffee. In Rene's words, “He taught me and my brother everything about coffee and he taught us to work and value what we had from a very young age... Last year I learned about specialty coffees and how some buyers offer more decent prices for the coffee, through San Vicente Mill; they also told me that my coffee had quality potential, so I tried selecting and making my first micro-lot of special coffee and thank God, it was very well for me”.
“This year we learned a new process technique, Anaerobic Honey, and we are very excited that you will like this coffee a lot.”