
Various Regional Producers
Castillo, Caturra
Santa Maria, Colombia
1300 – 1500 masl
Cup Profile:
Tea Rose, Mandarin, Cherry

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Planning Guide - Fly Crop
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Reach out to your LCM Account Manager to secure your allocation for the year ahead. By getting in touch ahead of time, we can help choose the right coffee to meet your needs.
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Planning Guide - Main Crop
Reach Out
Reach out to your LCM Account Manager to secure your allocation for the year ahead. By getting in touch ahead of time, we can help choose the right coffee to meet your needs.
Offer Samples
Offer Samples will become available.
Shipment Begins
Our coffee allocation will begin to ship.
Stock Arrival
We anticipate stock will be ready for distribution. Click on Keep Me Updated below to stay up to date with shipment arrivals.
About the Producer
Santa María can be found in the northwestern department of Huila. The climate is heavily influenced by the Magdalena River and the two mountain ranges of the Andes and within which, are several snow-capped volcanoes, that provide the soil with rich minerals. The deep valleys of the river attract tropical air from the Caribbean. This combination provides spectacular conditions for coffee production and unique microclimates that contribute to the creation of exceptional coffee.
Huila is made up of a diverse range of single estates, each with an average of 1.5 Hectares. There are 191 coffee growers’ associations that usually produce washed coffees with fermentations between 21 to 36 hours before natural sun drying, which helps give the coffee a unique definition.
The local economy has an agricultural focus, with coffee production being a significant contributor alongside cocoa, tomatoes and plantain crops. Coffee from Huila is available all year long thanks to its geographical location, and
locals of Santa María have paid homage to their wonderful coffee by adding a monument to the community's central park.