Various Regional Producers
Bourbon, Catuai, Mondo Novo
Cerrado, Eastern Brazil
900 – 1200 masl
Cup Profile:
Caramel, Citrus, Chocolate

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About the Producer
Cerrado Mineiro is a large region found in the state of Minas Gerais. Producing more than five million coffee bags each year, Cerrado is responsible for more than a quarter of the coffee production in Minas Gerais.
Known for its iron-rich and acidic soil, Cerrado’s unique weather consists of warm and wet summers, followed by dry winters. These combinations help the region flourish as a producer of specialty coffee.
The region is fortunate to have a consistently dry harvest season, which facilitates a productive harvesting and drying process. In the early days, producers spread cherries out to dry on earthen patios, but today most have converted to paved concrete patios or raised drying beds. Identifying features of Cerrado in the cup are an intense caramel aroma, delicate citrus notes, and a long-lasting chocolatey finish.