CARPEC Co-operative Producers
Red Catuai, IAC-44
1,000 – 1,200masl
Cup Profile:
Hazelnut, Bakers Chocolate, Caramel

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About the Producer
CARPEC was founded in 1965 and is a co-operative for members representing a range of agricultural businesses, focusing on livestock and dairy farming. Based in Carmo de Paranaiba in the Cerrado region of Minas Gerais, it's only natural that the cooperative began supporting coffee producers in the area, who started joining in 1989.
After many years of increasing the amount of services available to their coffee producer members, CARPEC opened their own coffee-dedicated warehouse and processing facility in 2019. A state-of-the-art facility with capacity to store 300,000 bags at any given time, CARPEC purchases coffee from its members to create a range of in-house labels built on achieving specific qualities and profiles. In addition, they facilitate access to the market for farmers producing outstanding coffees who want to develop relationships with buyers around the world.
Owls can be seen flying throughout Cerrado, so CARPEC assign an owl name to each of their coffees. Strix is the entry-level coffee we buy from CARPEC. Built to score above 81 points, it's a classic Cerrado profile; naturally processed with a soft, buttery body and anutty, cocoa and subtle citrus character. Perfect as the base for an espresso blend.